
Friday, June 1, 2012

30 Boxes in 30 Days Challenge

WOW I can't believe it's been just over 3 months since my last post. Time surely does fly when you're studying hard at Uni. I have managed to get through my first term at Uni and I had so much fun... even though there were moments where I felt like I was going to pull my hair out with the stress of assignments. I can now draw a little better, have a better idea of how to do vector designs for logos etc, have found that I enjoy playing with digital video and audio, and enjoy creating animations. I now have 4 weeks off before term 2 starts on the July 2nd.

One thing that really bothered me during 1st term was how difficult it was to find just what I needed to create a lighting system for the digital video and audio course and to find room to put it. This leads me to today's post. 

I have given myself the challenge of sorting through and packing 30 boxes in 30 days for the month of June. I have so many boxes filled with trash mixed in with treasures that it's time to sort through it all. I am ashamed to admit this but I have 1 junk room which is the spare room, I can barely get to my car because of boxes stacked on both sides and at the front of the garage AND to get anything out of the garden shed I have to literally climb over stuff. As far as having enough crap to do this challenge certainly wont be a problem, nor is time an issue until term 2 starts. The problem is that I am a big procrastinator. Yep, that motivator is always breaking down, so this blog will hopefully help me to stay with this challenge to the end.

OK so the rules are simple. For every box I empty equals 1 box and every box filled to donate, return, use for storage or throw out also equals 1 box each. Each box is to be of a size and weight that can be carried by one person and no smaller than an archive storage box.

Wish me luck... I'm sure going to need it.

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